Procedures – Covid 19

Craig Sailing CIC cannot guarantee the environment onboard on our yachts will be 100% Covid-19 secure, you sail at your own risk however, to mitigate the risks on board we have put measures and procedures in place, we ask all crew members to abide by these procedures and guidelines whilst aboard, thank you.
- The Skipper and Second Mate are both be Covid-19 vaccinated.
- The Second Mate is a GP and will be on hand to attend to any medical emergency.
- All crew members will be asked to carry out a Lateral Flow Covid-19 test “a test kit will be provided” prior to boarding and again once each day whilst on board.
- All crew must declare to the Skipper and the Second Mate any medical condition prior to boarding and will take to sea any medication they require, all medication will be stored onboard in a safe location agreed with the Skipper and second mate.
- The yacht has four main cabins, where the three bunk cabins will be soul occupancy where possible or if shared by only family or group bubble members.
- Where possible 1 to 2-metre crew member spacing tobe maintained where possible, if this can not be the case i.e. due to demands of sailing activities etc. then masks must be worn by the crew.
- All crew will be required to wear mouth-nose face masks when bellow decks, we recommend disposable masks be used with these being changed regularly i.e. every few hours.
- In order to reduce the requirement for any reuse and cross-contamination between items, disposable cups, plates, knives and forks etc. will be provided.
- There will be a crew rota on board for any touch surfaces to be disinfected on an ongoing basis.
- To ensure good ventilation aboard the main cabin entrance hatch will remain open whilst at sea “subject to sea conditions” and open when moored overnight, there is no heating on the yacht so all crew must bring warm clothing and their own sleeping bags, it will be cold at night even in the summer months!
- All food brought onboard must be supplied in original sealed packaging “as supplied from the wholesaler” do not bring or consume home-cooked foods or share with other crew members.
- It is unlikely that any onshore stopovers “going to the pub etc” will be possible, other than that for mooring overnight etc.