
Sunday 03/05/2020
Sunday 10/05/2020
Sunday 17/05/2020
Sunday 24/05/2020
Sunday 31/05/2020
No. Races:
3 races per evening, best of 9 races will be counted (6 discards) Total 15 races, ties will be broken by taking the last race position.
1st race start @ 20:00 Hrs, the next race will start not before 5 minutes after last boat finishes.
Important Note!
- All competitors must Sign on to have their results included in the series
- We ask all competitors over the age of 18 years to make a minimum £5.00 entry Donation to CraigSailing CIC to help fund the Virtual Regatta VIP pass and Zoom meeting subscriptions, any surplus funds will help us provide mental health sailing programs to people who experience a life crisis. Thank you for your support.
Zoom ClubHouse
Competitors will find it helpful to join us in the Zoom Clubhouse, this helps to make the gaming more sociable. Competitors are requested to meet in the Zoom Clubhouse 15 minutes prior to race start time for pre-race briefing, competitors will be issued with the join code for each race via the Clubhouse chat page.
ClubHouse Access ID
The Zoom ClubHouse will open 15 minutes before race start.
Meeting Time: 19:30 Hrs
Race Start Time: 20:00 Hrs
Zoom ID: 963-889-0782
Password: LancingSC
Express access click Goto Zoom ClubHouse
Joining the online race
The Race Officer will issue the Virtual Regatta APP join race code via the Zoom Clubhouse chat page, enter the code into your Virtual Regatta APP via the Custom Race icon to place your boat on the race course.